Children's Perspective Camps

Children's Perspective Camps

  • Children & adolescents Children & adolescents
  • Meeting Meeting
  • Netherlands Netherlands
  • Southeastern Europe Southeastern Europe
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  • Working on your future as a young person for a week in a challenging, sporting way? Then you are talking about Children's Perspective Camps. During a 'camp week' you work on your future together with young people from different countries, who are (also) involved with youth care. The result? A personal five-year plan with which you can shape your own future step by step.

    Methodology Children's Perspective Camps

    During the camp we do all kinds of activities that make you think about your future. Among others a quality game, mind mapping and drawing your life line. You will also be inspired by presentations from young people from the participating countries. In addition, we organize real camp activities: sports and active games, challenging outdoor activities and there is plenty of time for socializing and relaxing.

    During Children's Perspective Camps, we go to a special camp location. This beautiful, new environment makes it easier to look at your own life from a distance. At the end of the week, everyone goes home with a self-created plan for the future.


    • Meeting young people from other countries who are or have been through the same thing.
    • A personal, own five-year future plan, conceived and created by yourself.
    • A beautiful location that makes it easier to look at your own life from a distance.
    • Increased self-esteem from all the success experiences during the week.
    • Taking back control of your own life; you make entirely your own plan.

    In a row

    For young people aged 16-22 from the Netherlands and other European countries

    Dutch, English

    Once a year, for 8 days

    In the Netherlands and the Balkans

    Healthcare providers from various European countries

    others about us

    "I have discovered that people really like me and that I am and can be much more than I thought. I now look at myself from a different angle. I am very grateful for the people I have met."

    Amber, 22 years old

    "The best week of my life. I met so many new friends!"

    Bo, 18 years old

    "I truly believe in my own future plan!"

    Liv, 21 years old