ANBI Information

Children's Perspective operates from its office in the former Julianah House at Terborchstraat 1 in Zwolle.

The activities are made possible by a team of 6 employees led by Martine Tobé (director). The organization is characterized by a committed way of working focused on cooperation and innovation.

As of January 1, 2014, the tax authorities require that institutions with an ANBI (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instellingen) state all relevant information on their website.

Below are the details of Children's Perspective Foundation:

Kinderperspectief Foundation (and also acts under the trade names Kinderperspectief and Child's Perspective)

Tax number: 002934322
Chamber of Commerce registration: 41 02 22 52
Bank account: NL 39 ABNA 0507377370

Contact details
Contact Person: Martine Tobé (director)
Postal and visiting address: Terborchstraat 1, 8011 GD ZWOLLE
Phone: 038-422 51 55

Supervisory Board
The Supervisory Board (as of 2022) of Children's Perspective Foundation consists of a group of people who are actively involved in Children's Perspective Foundation based on their compassion and professionalism.

Currently, the Supervisory Board consists of:

Cees Wierda (chairman)
Gerlof Bottema
Wouter Hobbelen
Jacqueline Santbergen
Jonathan Douma

Remuneration (from the bylaws)
Article 5.5:
Members of the Supervisory Board may be reimbursed for expenses reasonably incurred in the performance of their duties. Members of the Supervisory Board receive no remuneration for their work.

Objective (from the bylaws)
Article 2:
The non-profit purpose of the foundation is:
Improving the position of vulnerable children and young people and allowing them to grow up in a family and a community focused on their development and where security, strengthening and inspiration are central. Also the performance of all further actions, which are related to the above in the broadest sense or can be conducive to it.
a. Working from the Christian tradition, the foundation now works for vulnerable children and youth regardless of religion, race or ethnicity.
b. The foundation has as the starting point of its work the "Convention on the Rights of the Child" drawn up by the United Nations, to which the foundation subscribes.

Outlines of the policy plan
For the outline of the policy plan click here.

Remuneration policy of management and staff
Stichting Kinderperspectief applies the collective bargaining agreement for youth care for management and employees.

Current Report
For the Children's Perspective activity report c.q. Annual Report click here.

Standard form publication requirement ANBI General
For more information about Children's Perspective Foundation click here.

Standard form publication requirement ANBI Wealth Funds
For more information about St. Fonds Kinderperspectief click here.