Children's Perspective Academy Trip to NL

Children's Perspective Academy Trip to NL

  • Healthcare professionals Healthcare professionals
  • Meeting Meeting
  • Netherlands Netherlands
  • Southeastern Europe Southeastern Europe
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  • Are you working in youth or foster care in Serbia, Bosnia or Croatia? And are you in need of some inspiration, refreshment or just have a lot of knowledge or insights to share? Then the annual Kinderperspectief Academy Trip is for you. Together with fellow professionals from Southeastern Europe, you will travel to the Netherlands for a unique working visit.

    Method of operation Academy to the Netherlands

    Every year, a team of six professionals from Serbia, Bosnia or Croatia pays a three or four-day working visit to the Netherlands. Besides a program at Kinderperspectief itself, we visit several Dutch youth aid providers. We share best practices and together with your colleagues from the Netherlands you talk about the daily practice of working with young people in youth care.

    Kinderperspectief organizes, facilitates and funds the Academy trip to the Netherlands and approaches healthcare professionals themselves asking if they would like to participate. Participants need only contribute their knowledge, experience, time, energy and enthusiasm to the project.


    • Out of your comfort zone and breaking your routines through your trip to Holland and meeting healthcare professionals from Holland.
    • A new perspective on yourself as a professional and as a person.
    • Experiences, contacts and (life) lessons that broaden your horizons.
    • New tools, forms of work and handles that you can take back to your workplace.

    In a row

    For youth and foster care professionals from Southeastern Europe

    Dutch, English

    Once a year


    FICE Srbija (in 2023)

    others about us

    "So much creativity, freedom, desire for progress and selfless giving... Thank you!"

    Jelena, Croatia