Growth giant Moj Krug makes future plan!

Growth giant Moj Krug makes future plan!

March 21, 2024

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  • As of 2023, Children's Perspective is working with the program "Growth Diamonds". Youth network Moj Krug from Serbia was selected as the first organization. The goal is to support young organizations like Moj Krug in structured growth and increase the impact they make.


    The journey began with a strategic session, guided by an experienced process facilitator from Children's Perspective. The main purpose of this workshop was to bring together members of the organization after five years, so they could look back at what they have already accomplished and start fresh with plans for the future. The workshop brought together six enthusiastic people from Moj Krug, which encouraged cooperation between both new and experienced members. Through their hard work and dedication, the team further clarified the organization's mission, identified core values and made plans for the coming year. Moj Krug's team demonstrated a high level of communication skills and teamwork. For three days they worked in Serbia in an atmosphere imbued with mutual respect, encouragement, patience, openness and humor, which helped reduce fatigue.


    One participant aptly described the three-day experience, "It's hard to really share how great this was. We are all different, but we want to do something good together. That's what makes our team strong." Another participant was satisfied, saying, "We all got enough time to say what we wanted. I felt ownership. Each of us made an important contribution to what Moj Krug is and does today." Another participant mentioned the relaxed atmosphere of the workshop, "Compared to similar things I have done before, this felt different. There were many fun things to do and therefore it was more relaxed. We not only worked seriously, but also had fun."


    Moj Krug will work in the coming period to develop the plans and ideas drawn up. And as this process unfolds, Children's Perspective remains involved in every step the network takes. The road to growth and development continues, resulting in the continued flourishing of Moj Krug.